
Episode 1 on UK TV! 01 Apr, 2001, 20:44 / 4 comments

Following from their weekly showings of the original Star Wars trilogy (damn fine films), Sky Premier and Sky Premier Widescreen will next week be showing the UK television premiere of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Despite it being a generally fairly boring film with mediocre actors, it's probably worth a watch for the special effects and pod races, etc. - Saturday night at 20:00.

Something strange overcame me on April 1st... I think my new Windows ME has a brainwashing facility built in... anyway...

Oh, and that thing about Spaff's job - not true - biscuit rations are carefully monitored. Still, send in your applications!


  • Zlatko on 02 Apr, 2001, 04:36…
    WOW! I CANT BELIEVE IT! And in case you cant tell IM BEING SARCASTIC! Starwars sucks.
  • Trapezoid on 03 Apr, 2001, 03:46…
    What? Star Wars is great!! Indy's better, though. ;)
  • spaff on 04 Apr, 2001, 08:59…
    Woohaa by the way trap, your site will be done as soon as DJG gets my msg and then does it so icq me laods hassling me and shouting at me caling me a slacker until its done :P
  • Pedgey on 08 Apr, 2001, 12:06…
    Good god! He`s put it in writing! That means were allowed to do it now!