
EMI Console Petition 04 Dec, 2000 / Comments: 7

Marek at Adventure Gamer has started another EMI petition. Yes yes yet another petition, but this one is making a decent, realistic request: asking LucasArts to port EMI to a popular console system. With LucasArts' current strong comittment to next-generation consoles an EMI console port seems very likely.


  • Chunkey Monkey on 05 Dec, 2000, 09:49…
    Has anyone ever played Discworld Noir on PC that game rocks. Then you play it on Playstation and it has lost it's feeling.
  • Remi O on 04 Dec, 2000, 19:45…
    I wouldn't say it's a horrible idea. seeing that the Playstation version of Broken Sword did better sales-wise than the PC version.
  • Audun on 04 Dec, 2000, 22:33…
    Wasn't Broken Sword ported from the PlayStation? If so, there's no wonder it sold better on the PSX. Ps: I'll NEVER, EVER play an LEC adventure game like EMI on a console.. I think games like that fits the pc best. :)
  • Remi O on 04 Dec, 2000, 22:54…
    BS1 was released as a PC game first at least. But regardless - it doesn't matter where the game was first released... Where it sells is the important question.
  • bluetentacle on 04 Dec, 2000, 18:58…
    Adventure games on the console have empirically done terrible. Why would Lucasarts port a genre that never does well? I am continually amazed by petitions that ask Lucasarts to LOSE money.
  • TaXicab on 04 Dec, 2000, 21:10…
    Blue Tentacle: why are you so cynical about everything?
  • mercatfat on 05 Dec, 2000, 03:15…
    Now, I don't think I should argue with your OBVIOUS know all, but, you're wrong. Maniac Mansion on the NES was great, even though it was censored. SOMI for Sega CD was great. Loom for Lynx (Or was it Turbographix?) was good, so I've been told. And EMI would fare even better. Note how the game has Console style movement, very easily done on a console. In fact, it might be better, as you won't press the wrong keys by accident. I ended up pressing the exit button many times by accident. It'd be very simple on a PSX pad. Movement with Pad, Select for menu, X for use, Triangle for inventory, Circle for Run, And Square for back. L1 and R1 would be used to scroll choices, L2 or R2 would skip dialouge, and L2 + R2 would be exit. Dreamcast would be a tad more difficult.