
E3 2008 Stuff 16 Jul, 2008 / Comments: 2

In case you hadn't noticed, E3 (or what passes for E3 these days) is currently in progress.

Unfortunately while LucasArts are there, they seem to have not done anything notable themselves just yet. The only thing of interest was a new trailer in the middle of Nintendo's conference for The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels. Marvel as two grown men make tits out of themselves by doing what we only ever do in private or with one of those expensive replicas!

UPDATE: There are several new trailers for The Force Unleashed now up from the show, including:
1. Battle with the bad-ass super horned rancor, with a surprise appearance by Dark Jedi Maris Brood (who's got an action figure y'know, not that I've bought it or anything).
2. Battle with the weird "junk titan" that looks like it walked off the set of Galaxy Quest
3. A walkthrough in the TIE Fighter Factory, which sadly makes starfighters and not new copies of TIE Fighter.
4. Some general videos of the Wii, PS2 and PSP versions in both multiplayer and single-player.

The first three can be seen here, and the videos of the non-LucasArts developed version can be seen here.

Fracture has also been shown off, and two large gameplay walkthroughs can be seen right here. Now you can make up your mind whether it's going to be any good or not, if you haven't already!

Still no Indy.


  • QueZTone on 17 Jul, 2008, 12:37…
    Happens to me all the time...
  • Kroms on 16 Jul, 2008, 20:27…
    As a wiseman once said: "Screw Indy."