
Duke Grabowski stalled, but Bill's got something cookin' 03 May, 2017 / 8 comments

For the past few years, Bill's communication with his fans has mostly come in the form of updates to the Duke Grabowski Kickstarter page, and yesterday's post had something provocative in it:

In other not bad, but not great news is that Duke Grabowski: Debonair Corsair is on hold until we sell a certain number of units. Alliance wants the first episode to prove it is a success before funding the follow up. And you can help with that if you so chose because Alliance has discounted Duke to $2 and the sales are picking up. If you all told all your family, friends and acquaintances about the game that could really help. Mean time Venture Moon and Alliance will continue to promote the game as much as we can.
But have no fear that I won't be doing any more game because I am in negotiations to make another non-Duke game while we wait for Duke numbers to reach our goal. I can't go to much into it because nothing is official, but I can say it is an idea that is very close to my heart.

That's not very hopeful news on Duke - if the first episode's sales is making the publisher wary of funding the second, what are we to conclude about the likelihood of episodes 3-5?

On the other hand, we apparently have a secret project in the works. The obvious question: is this A Vampyre Story 2 or a new IP altogether? Only time will tell, and in the meantime you might want to throw a measly two bucks at Duke Grabowski

and contribute to those sales numbers


Source: Kickstarter



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    manny_c44 on 06 May, 2017, 02:01…


    Clearly the secret project he's talking about is Double Fine's Remaster of Curse of Monkey Island. Clearly. Yup.

    Ah that would be quite nice...
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 04 May, 2017, 21:43…
    Wow. Impressive you did so much in your spare time. Well done!
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    Rum_Rogers on 04 May, 2017, 18:42…


    TrVe Metal Quest looks really good! I just don't have an Android device. When did you make it? This is the first I've heard of it.

    Link to TrVe Metal Quest

    Also the above link might be better.

    Thanks Thunder!
    I should be able to upload a stable iOS version in the store by the end of next week.
    Also, I have some private win32/mac builds I can provide anyway, but those are not meant to be released (the game is too short, 1 hour to complete it I think).

    Made it in our spare time, and it's fair to point out that I programmed engine & game and written puzzles, dialogs and everything but... I suck at drawing. The graphics and animations aren't mine!
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 04 May, 2017, 18:35…
    TrVe Metal Quest looks really good! I just don't have an Android device. When did you make it? This is the first I've heard of it.

    Link to TrVe Metal Quest

    Also the above link might be better.
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    AlfredJ on 04 May, 2017, 14:23…
    Clearly the secret project he's talking about is Double Fine's Remaster of Curse of Monkey Island. Clearly. Yup.
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    Rum_Rogers on 04 May, 2017, 09:59…


    I wonder if tales like this will make more people understand the harsh realities of making games.

    This also makes me think I'm gonna try one last time to let other Mojoers know (this time with a comment) I'd be glad if they tried my new adventure game, TrVe Metal Quest, here
    If no one gives a crap or you guys consider this as spam, just tell and I'll edit this post immediately.
    It's totally free and ad-free, Android only at the moment.
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    Deepthought2k on 03 May, 2017, 16:32…
    Perhaps there needs to be a careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 03 May, 2017, 10:30…
    I wonder if tales like this will make more people understand the harsh realities of making games.

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