
Dropchord Leaps To PC/Mac. Android/Ouya/iOS soon 28 Jul, 2013 / 1 comment

Dropchord, Double Fine's "music driven score challenge game" is out now for the Leap Motion controller for PC and Mac. It will be available for the Ouya on July 31 and for iOS and Android on August 1.

The game's soundtrack is also now available on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play.

If you're unsure what all the hubbub is about, Double Fine released a video of their Dropchord release party, which we've helpfully embedded below:


1 Comment

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    Huz on 28 Jul, 2013, 16:19…
    I have no idea what the Leap Motion controller and the Ouya even are. This is like the time I saw the first Poker Night 2 screenshots. Finger on the pulse!

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