
Double Fine releases Knights and Bikes 02 Sep, 2019 / 1 comment

Double Fine doesn't just make games, they sometimes bless them with love, and release them into the world, too. Not that we normally mention that, but why don't we? So breaking with tradition here's news on another new DF game, hot on the tail of RAD. This one is called "Knights and Bikes", from by London-based Foam Sword Games, and it has already been called "gorgeous" in the comments.

Source: @foamswordgames


1 Comment

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    Melancholick on 03 Sep, 2019, 15:16…
    Don't feel too bad, Mojonauts: like the release of "RAD," the Playstation Store seems to have some sort of acute allergy when it comes to actually promoting anything Double Fine does on their "New Releases" page.

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