
Double Fine is live! 13 Mar, 2012 / 10 comments


Update: If you missed it, you can watch the final 12 minutes here. (Thanks to Jones Jr for sharing the link.)

The final total raised (including money from premium backers) was: 3,446,371! Woo!

Source: Ustream



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    Call me Squinky on 17 Mar, 2012, 13:57…
    Did anyone see this video that Double Fine favourited? Pretty funny.
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    GozzoMan on 16 Mar, 2012, 13:00…

    Jones Jr

    For those of us that missed out due to other commitment (i.e. sleep) you can see the last 12 or so minutes here.

    Thanks! :D


    He's not smiling because there's more work to do now. :P

    Well, consider also that Ron's dad died just last week...
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    AndyBundy on 14 Mar, 2012, 17:21…

    Rum Rogers

    I Notice how Tim is yelling in joy and Ron isn't even smiling.

    He's not smiling because there's more work to do now. :P

    I only had the chance to join for the first hour and I knew it would be messed up since the first kinect-part was laggy and the real webcam wasn't better either. The chat lagged a lot too after 7k people watched it at the same time. But it is really really amazing, and I guess that not even EA or Ubisoft could get that many views at once for a live show.
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    Jones Jr on 14 Mar, 2012, 11:02…
    For those of us that missed out due to other commitment (i.e. sleep) you can see the last 12 or so minutes here.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 14 Mar, 2012, 10:02…
    It started off really poorly. They didn't seem to have any idea what they were going to do. I skipped a huge chunk of it and came back for the end... The end was great! I really enjoyed Tim's speech about not allowing companies to decide what we watch, listen to, play. Great stuff.
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    Rum Rogers on 14 Mar, 2012, 09:51…
    I managed to take this awesome shot right at the end of the countdown. Notice how Tim is yelling in joy and Ron isn't even smiling. Haha!!!
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    koosjebig on 14 Mar, 2012, 08:08…
    I had to go to bed... But the first 10 minutes were kind of random (with lame jokes, cam through kinect + balloons or lava).
    Glad they made 3.3 M. I'm curious about the exact status of additional pledges, not visible on KS.
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    Scummbuddy on 14 Mar, 2012, 00:23…
    + 50,000 from Days of Wonder
    + 110,000 from Premium Backers on their site
    + (undisclosed) from high profile names (Pratchet? & another name) (Missed that part)
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    jp-30 on 14 Mar, 2012, 00:12…

    pledged of $400,000 goal

    Funding Successful
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    Scummbuddy on 14 Mar, 2012, 00:07…
    Tim: "I'm glad my mic was off when I was talking Iron Brigrade DLC".
    Anon: "Is it on now?"
    Tim: "Oh sh!t"

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