
Double Fine is all about books 25 Sep, 2020 / 12 comments

Why play their games when you can read about them? Double Fine is turning twenty, and what better way to celebrate than to release a coffee-table book filled with concept art and (presumably) entertaining yarns? 20 Double Fine Years -- Jesus Christ, has it been that long? -- is available for pre-order in the US and the UK for $50 ($65 for the luxury "legend" edition) and will ship during the second quarter of next year. Run and buy.



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    Scummbuddy on 07 Oct, 2020, 12:24…
    I believe Remi was just referencing "Jesus Christ" the fictional character from the Indiana Jones movies, and not to be confused with any actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, which would be purely coincidental.
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    JonesJr on 29 Sep, 2020, 23:11…


    I'm not a fan of religious spam, it's usually full of nuts.

    Just like a Snickers, except Snickers really satisfies.

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    Jennifer on 29 Sep, 2020, 17:14…




    Pray for Mojo...

    We all do every time there is an outage. Which hasn't happened for a while now, so we are probably due again.
    Which reminds me, better add some incense to the cart when I inevitably cave (DF pun probably not intended) and get a copy of the book.

    I mean, the forums are down atm, so I'd say that counts. Also, it's about time Mojo got some religious spam, I feel like that's a rite of passage for any successful website.

    I'm not a fan of religious spam, it's usually full of nuts.
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    OzzieMonkey on 29 Sep, 2020, 09:08…



    Pray for Mojo...

    We all do every time there is an outage. Which hasn't happened for a while now, so we are probably due again.
    Which reminds me, better add some incense to the cart when I inevitably cave (DF pun probably not intended) and get a copy of the book.

    I mean, the forums are down atm, so I'd say that counts. Also, it's about time Mojo got some religious spam, I feel like that's a rite of passage for any successful website.
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    JonesJr on 28 Sep, 2020, 23:51…


    Pray for Mojo...

    We all do every time there is an outage. Which hasn't happened for a while now, so we are probably due again.
    Which reminds me, better add some incense to the cart when I inevitably cave (DF pun probably not intended) and get a copy of the book.
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    Skinkie on 28 Sep, 2020, 21:29…

    Rum Rogers

    What is this? Some Church?

    Pray for Mojo...
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    Rum Rogers on 28 Sep, 2020, 09:42…
    What is this? Some Church?
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 27 Sep, 2020, 23:57…
    Dammit. I need to buy this... argh.
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    AlfredJ on 27 Sep, 2020, 21:16…
    Well, I guess I need to buy this, even though I really shouldn't be spending money like this right now. Their Brütal Legend book was amazing, and I always wanted their other games to get the same treatment.

    I wonder if Grim, Tentacle and Throttle are a part of this. I'd love to have all that artwork in book form, but I could see them only using the artwork Double Fine owns the complete rights to.

    I'm not quite sure what any of this has to do with the Bible, but I'm really digging this comment section.
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    Remi on 27 Sep, 2020, 14:52…
    I'm so confused right now.
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    JonesJr on 26 Sep, 2020, 23:48…


    Ok.. it’s great that Double Fine has reached 20 years, and it’s scary how old we’re all getting. But really, the most amazing part of your post is who you exclaimed: Jesus Christ.

    You know Mojo, it's usually some kind of typo or glitch. Remi probably meant the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Either way, that book looks nice!

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    counting_pine on 26 Sep, 2020, 21:36…
    Ok.. it’s great that Double Fine has reached 20 years, and it’s scary how old we’re all getting. But really, the most amazing part of your post is who you exclaimed: Jesus Christ.

    The actual son of the literal God, himself being no less God than his father. The entire universe - all time and space - was created through him. And, while still being entirely God, being born into that very universe and living as a human.

    Why did he come? To make an exchange.
    On earth, he lived a good life. A truly good life. The only good life. He was the only person who only ever spoke, acted and thought out of love, all of the time. And he gave up his life, in order to atone for the lives of us. Corrupt, self-pleasing, God-despising lives. We lived in guilt, but he lived in righteousness and innocence.
    But he gave up his innocence, so that we could be free of our guilt.
    How did this exchange happen? The horrific twist: we killed him.

    And yet that was God’s plan to save us. By trusting in his death for our wickedness, we can stand righteous before God. What a salvation!

    The horror of Christ’s death shows us that our salvation was in no way earned by us, that it was all God’s doing. And it shows us the full extent of his love, for the world who killed him.

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