
Double Fine doles out more love to its backers 24 Feb, 2012 / 15 comments

Double Fine's Kickstarter has kinda sorta stalled just shy of $2.1 million, although "stall" might be a bit of a negative spin when you take the amount into consideration. So how does one entice more backers? By adding more rewards!

This is how Double Fine is planning to reel in the last few doubters:

  • $30: Gets you a digital soundtrack of the documentary!
  • $60: Gets you a digital download of a book featuring concept art and other cool stuff from the game! Make it $500 and you'll get a hardcover edition.
  • $100: And holy crap, you can get a boxed version of the game and the documentary.

You're probably legally in a coma if that doesn't excite you.

Now watch this conversation between Tim and Ron, recorded in January, just to get the excitement level up even further.



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    Glo_kidd on 26 Feb, 2012, 00:46…
    I had to wait until now but just pledged $121 to the project :)
    This entire concept is way too cool, the coming months are going to be awesome :)
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    Jason on 25 Feb, 2012, 15:21…
    "You've got three origin stories for Monkey Island at this point."
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    Laserschwert on 25 Feb, 2012, 13:16…
    Nathan's style would be really great for the game.
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    SurplusGamer on 25 Feb, 2012, 12:51…


    Tempting! However, I will not pledge more until I see some art for this game. Sure it's going to be awesome but I want a poster I can hang in my room (subtle, thats it). When we know a little more from the game I may increse my pledge to $100. Hope that's before March 30th

    If you really want a bit of an idea about what the art will be like, why not go here:
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 25 Feb, 2012, 12:51…
    Anyone have an mp3 of that interview? I'd love to take it to the gym with me.
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    Laserschwert on 25 Feb, 2012, 12:42…


    Tempting! However, I will not pledge more until I see some art for this game. Sure it's going to be awesome but I want a poster I can hang in my room (subtle, thats it). When we know a little more from the game I may increse my pledge to $100. Hope that's before March 30th

    That probably won't work. Tim clearly stated that no work on the project will be made before the Kickstarter is over, because a) planning will be strongly based on the final sum, and b) he wants all that planning to be part of the documentary (which also won't be started before the end of the KS).
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    Kroms on 25 Feb, 2012, 11:49…
    You guys have no idea how hurting I am that I can't pledge extra now. :( I really need to scrap together some cash, ugh.
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    Sopabuena on 25 Feb, 2012, 01:47…
    Tempting! However, I will not pledge more until I see some art for this game. Sure it's going to be awesome but I want a poster I can hang in my room (subtle, thats it). When we know a little more from the game I may increse my pledge to $100. Hope that's before March 30th
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    Thrik on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:58…
    Just to be clear, the money isn't taken until the end of the funding period and you can increase your pledge at any time.
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    Erwin_Br on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:55…
    @Lagomorph: What MrManager said. If you really want to be sure, you can click "Manage your pledge" on the Kickstarter page for Double Fine's Adventure. From there you can change the rewards you want to receive.
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    Laserschwert on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:39…
    Ah, fuck it... upped from $30 to $100 (+$10).

    Clever move putting the boxed version at the $100-mark! That'll let many people up their pledges, I guess.
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    jp-30 on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:35…
    Well, wonder how long the spike will last...!/TimJustRaised

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    Jennifer on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:30…
    I chose the $100 tier for the poster too. There's not two $100 tiers, thankfully. They just added the boxed copy of the game and a DVD (or Blu Ray!) of the documentary to the already existing $100 tier, so you'll get these two, plus the poster!

    And you can always manage your amounts at any time before the kickstarter ends if you end up wanting to choose a different tier.
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    Remi on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:27…


    Hmmm. I'm kind of bummed now that I didn't wait a couple of weeks. I'd rather have a boxed copy then a poster anyday...

    You'll still get the boxed copy if you already pledged $100.
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    Lagomorph on 24 Feb, 2012, 23:23…
    Hmmm. I'm kind of bummed now that I didn't wait a couple of weeks. I'd rather have a boxed copy then a poster anyday...

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