
Double Fine artists hold up lighters in memory of Frank Frazetta... and draw stuff too 14 May, 2010 / 1 comment

Legendary rock god, err, fantasy/SF artist Frank Frazetta died on Monday. Frazetta's work, full of savage ur-beasts, highly be-muscled heroes and scantily-clad ladies, was one of the major influences behind the art style of Double Fine's Bru(e)tal Legend.

So what did Double Fine's posse of artists do to pay their respects? Why, draw bitchin' Frazetta-style art in tribute to him, of course!

Kotaku has established a gallery of Frazetta memorial art sent in by various developer studios. The first three submissions in the gallery are from Double Fine.

Source: Kotaku


1 Comment

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    Icebox on 15 May, 2010, 04:12…
    Loved all his work, his Conan stuff was some of the best around. He shall be missed. Rest in peace, man of metal.

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