
Double Fine announces Day of the Tentacle Special Edition! 06 Dec, 2014 / 15 comments

Oh dear, I do believe I'm getting the vapors!

During the keynote of something called the "Playstation Experience", Double Fine announced a few minor things. One is that Grim Fandango Remastered will come out on January 27th (previously known as "early 2015"). The second is that the complete Broken Age is headed to PS4 and Vita once Act II makes it to Steam.

Oh, they also threw in that they're making a special edition of Day of the Tentacle. No big deal.

While we wait for details on that, here's a new look at Grim Remastered.

Source: Shacknews



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    Jennifer on 08 Dec, 2014, 01:47…


    Mia Nguyen, formerly of Telltale Games (best known as a suspect in a CSI murder case) apparently left Telltale some time ago to start a company designing clothes for dead mice. I'm not making this up. Telltale drives people insane confirmed:

    She was actually at MunkyFun last, so they'd be the catalyst in that scenario I'd think. :P
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    jp-30 on 07 Dec, 2014, 23:51…


    I don't really care about upgraded art (although I expect Double Fine would do it better than the Monkey special editions), the original art is so ingrained in my mind that nothing can really touch it. Same with the voices.

    I'd just want the jaggies removed, so the lines & edges are nice and smooth.... and that's it - no fancy shading or pseudo 3D models. Widescreen would be nice, so long as it didn't interfere with puzzles or mean art was cropped top & bottom. Oh, and more frames of in-between animation, ideally.
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    AlfredJ on 07 Dec, 2014, 22:20…
    Sorry for the double post, but I've got two hot scoops for you guys.

    Scoop #1: Here's Tim playing part of the new version of Grim. You can really tell how good the new version actually looks in this. Also some info on the commentary tracks: (the Grim part starts at 01:55:42).

    Scoop #2: Mia Nguyen, formerly of Telltale Games (best known as a suspect in a CSI murder case) apparently left Telltale some time ago to start a company designing clothes for dead mice. I'm not making this up. Telltale drives people insane confirmed:

    Don't ask me how I found this one out.
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    AlfredJ on 07 Dec, 2014, 17:24…
    I don't really care about upgraded art (although I expect Double Fine would do it better than the Monkey special editions), the original art is so ingrained in my mind that nothing can really touch it. Same with the voices. Rerecorded music would be nice, but the biggest addition for me would be a commentary track in a couple of scenes. Bonus points if they can get Ron Gilbert hammering on about the importance of the push/pull/fix verbs in the Maniac Mansion version that's in Weird Ed's pc.
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    Rum Rogers on 07 Dec, 2014, 14:35…


    I really hope DOTT special edition is more than just an engine tweak and a couple of filters applied to it and is more like what Lucas Arts did with Monkey Island 1&2 SE, but i won't hold my breath.

    So far I'm quite disappointed about Grim Fandango since they didn't improve the models one bit and just added effects, and from what i can see in the video it seems the backgrounds are the same as well, not to mention the widescreen support is just about black bars at the sides of the screen, so i don't get the whole "remaster" thing, it feels more like an engine update.

    DOTT Special Edition is not DOTT Remastered, so this shouldn't be the case.
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    Shmargin on 07 Dec, 2014, 05:24…
    I hope it's awesome, and I hope the voice files are the same. I don't give a damn about quality coming through someone's 7.1 thousand dollar sound system, I want the same voice acting , with whatever other improvements they want to make.

    And a sequel, remake is cool, but line up a sequel at the same time. This game has needed a sequel since it was new. I own the Floppy, and cd-rom versions, plus this version when it comes out. Now make a DOTT 2 / Maniac Mansion 3, so I can die happy.
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    Alexrd on 07 Dec, 2014, 01:23…
    Missing the trailer up there...
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    OzzieMonkey on 07 Dec, 2014, 00:36…
    Wow.....just...I am in heaven right now. Another of Tim's games gets a makeover? Hell yes! I wonder if this means they'll be remastering the Maniac Mansion easter egg in Weird Ed's room? Anyway, this is great news, Disney have really proven themselves to know what they're doing with the old favourites after all.
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    Threepwood4life on 07 Dec, 2014, 00:21…
    I wonder if this DOTT Special Edition is this one that LucasArts were working on before it was cancelled at 80% complete
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    glenfx on 06 Dec, 2014, 23:48…
    I'm very disappointed with Double Fine & Tim since Broken Age, I really hope DOTT special edition is more than just an engine tweak and a couple of filters applied to it and is more like what Lucas Arts did with Monkey Island 1&2 SE, but i won't hold my breath.

    So far I'm quite disappointed about Grim Fandango since they didn't improve the models one bit and just added effects, and from what i can see in the video it seems the backgrounds are the same as well, not to mention the widescreen support is just about black bars at the sides of the screen, so i don't get the whole "remaster" thing, it feels more like an engine update.
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    Rum Rogers on 06 Dec, 2014, 23:24…
    Can't believe this, wow! These are great times indeed
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    Remi on 06 Dec, 2014, 23:21…
    Any news that makes jp-30 literally just die is good news to me. Bring it on!
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    AlfredJ on 06 Dec, 2014, 23:11…
    Any news that makes The Tingler cry is good news to me. Bring it on!
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    jp-30 on 06 Dec, 2014, 22:36…
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    The Tingler on 06 Dec, 2014, 22:25…
    The loud 'bang' you probably just heard was the sound of my mind blowing. I'm actually crying because I'm so happy about this news.

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