
Double Fine Adventure video update #1! 16 Feb, 2012 / 7 comments

As I'm writing this, the Double Fine Kickstarter has raised $1,815,940 and 2 Player Productions, the people behind the documentary about the making of the upcoming adventure game, has posted the first video update:

Source: 2PlayerProductions



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    ThunderPeel2001 on 17 Feb, 2012, 21:10…
    It likes we're going to make it with ease! Cool!
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    hierohero on 16 Feb, 2012, 23:42…
    Nearly at 1.9 million.. if we get past 2 million thats a nice budget for an adventure game!
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    GozzoMan on 16 Feb, 2012, 10:35…
    So cool! I'm proud, and happy, to be a backer! :)


    it's interesting that they made twice as much in the few hours following that announcement than they did for the whole previous day. This will surely be an incentive for them to keep on updating.

    And I can imagine that DRM-free, Linux, and international translation (albeit text only) had enticed a lot of people more.

    I know that If I had been somewhat undecided, that would surely make the deal for me.
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    SurplusGamer on 16 Feb, 2012, 09:55…
    it's interesting that they made twice as much in the few hours following that announcement than they did for the whole previous day. This will surely be an incentive for them to keep on updating.
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    Kroms on 16 Feb, 2012, 05:29…
    Surplus Gamer predicted the future yesterday. Yikes.

    Anyway, Mac, Linux and DRM-free versions are all good.
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    SurplusGamer on 16 Feb, 2012, 01:33…
    Bear in mind 10k of that 15k was someone new picking up one of the 10k rewards. But that's still a jump from 1k per hour to 5k per hour off the back of those announcements. If they add more reward tiers like they suggest in the video, and keep on announcing cool new stuff to do with the extra funding, who knows?

    Also of note: a few updates in the FAQs, one of which suggests that the goal of releasing this game in October is definitely out the window now - they are planning a longer development, which can only be a good thing!
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    Strayth on 16 Feb, 2012, 01:17…
    Lol they went from 1500-ish dollars per hour ( and worst for previous ones ) to 15 000 right after the announcement.

    And Europe is sleeping at the time. ( multi 5 subtitles might bring a lot )

    If Medias keep talking about it, I would not worry about the 2M cap.

    And it's normal things slow when there's no update nobody has seen anything.

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