
"Do you know how many Sith there are here on Korriban?" "Twelve! No, wait, thirteen!" 15 Dec, 2010 / 2 comments

I, for one, am actually really excited for The Old Republic. Whenever it actually releases, that is. Here's a new preview, which shows some back-story of the game.

I haven't heard about Dromund Kaas since Mysteries of the Sith! </useless reference>

Source: GameRant



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    Melancholick on 16 Dec, 2010, 00:43…
    Hm. Lance Henriksen, doing the honors?
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    Aububuh on 15 Dec, 2010, 20:53…
    I like all the original trilogy foreshadowing. The developers seem to realize that they're the better movies.

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