
Demon Pirate Sets Fire to Movie Set 12 Sep, 2002 / Comments: 6

Well, not exactly. An accidental fire broke out on the set of Disney's upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The damage to the set will cost about $350,000 (or $525,000 as some sites are now reporting) and will delay production a few days. See, this is what happens when you mix pirates with curses.


  • Luca(s)! on 18 Sep, 2002, 01:20…
    Can someone give me informations about Pirates of Carribean? Is this an adaptation of Monkey Island Games? I'm curious... answer me writing me an e-mail at
  • Scummbuddy on 13 Sep, 2002, 11:06…
    Now are they sure they just weren't filming that part when the jail is burning and so does the whole town? Some reporter was like "Oh my, that looks like 350,000 dollars worth of damamge.
  • TheRealMatt on 12 Sep, 2002, 13:36…
    I certainly hope it's one of those cursed movies, Disney needs a black eye or something. In closing Ford Marmaduke Peaches
  • QueZTone on 12 Sep, 2002, 13:31…
    oh dear..

    i so told them not to use the rootbeer in that mixture...
  • LucasTones on 12 Sep, 2002, 12:25…
    Interesting. I wonder if this is gonna be one of those movies where loads of really bad things happen to the crew and equipment during shooting.
  • Scummbuddy on 12 Sep, 2002, 11:20…
    what the big whoop cost so much that was destroyed?