
Dave Grossman reveals that Jeff Smith fans are Boned 18 Nov, 2009, 03:43 / 5 comments

While the outlook of a third Bone game hasn't been exactly promising since, oh, early 2006, it's always a shame to have to read something like this:
DEN: What about some of the other franchises, I know you have announced the next Sam and Max, but what about future installments of Bone, or Strong Bad?

DG: There won’t be any more Bone games, our agreement ended. But Strong Bad, we liked working with the Brothers Chap. We worked very closely with them.
I guess if the Bone movie ever leaves the conceptual phase there's a possibility that the tides could change, but for now it's looking like the Bone cousins are stuck in the Valley evermore, at least as told within a Telltale game.


  • syntheticgerbil on 19 Nov, 2009, 15:30…
    I also don't think Cartoon Books really did much to promote the actual games. Maybe they weren't satisfied?

    I guess Jeff Smith is much more into Rasl now anyway.
  • Giygas on 18 Nov, 2009, 19:24…
    If another company picks up Bone, I hope they go for 2D over 3D.
  • Diduz on 18 Nov, 2009, 09:24…
    Where's the surprise?
    Unfortunately the Bone games came from the "wrong" episodic age. Too bad.
  • Ascovel on 18 Nov, 2009, 07:24…
    Too bad. but Bone comic series was the strongest at the beginning anyway.
  • jp-30 on 18 Nov, 2009, 05:55…
    Damn it.