
Dan Connors talks Monkey Island and more (updated) 03 Aug, 2009 / Comments: 12

Video Gamer has a lengthy interview with Telltale CEO Dan Connors. It's mostly about Tales of Monkey Island (with some minor plot spoilers on the direction Episode 2 is heading). Also, this: After Tales of Monkey Island, what's next for Telltale? Is there a known IP you're currently looking at, or might we see something completely original from you guys?

DC: We're looking at a bunch of different IP, and we've got a few original designs floating around the studio we're getting closer and closer to a position to green-light.
Here's the full interview.

Update: More "Dan Connors in long article goodness" here at Now Gamer.

Source: Video Gamer



  • SurplusGamer on 03 Aug, 2009, 22:48…
    Really looking forward to original IP. I'd love to see what they can do from scratch, with no preconceptions to wrestle with. More exciting than anything else in my opinion.
  • jp-30 on 04 Aug, 2009, 02:08…
    I wonder if they would consider external writers in to develop/flesh out the plot of original IP games (yes, Emily, I'm thinking of you).
  • koosjebig on 05 Aug, 2009, 03:03…
    Secretly in love with Emily? :p
  • jp-30 on 05 Aug, 2009, 11:38…
    Yeah, but don't tell my wife.
  • hierohero on 04 Aug, 2009, 15:53…
    Dave grossman, Brendan chuck etc they definitely don't need external writers.. That's the companies greatest strength.. What an original ip could offer is the ability to create something from the ground up that is totally suited to the telltale tool the technology and the episodic releases..
  • Kroms on 04 Aug, 2009, 16:00…
    Well, Dave Grossman doesn't really write, I think, but directs and designs. I'm sure he gets a bit in but not as much as I'd like. And most of the other guys have a hard time making the MAIN characters any good, especially since they have a (relatively) short time span, that they do need co-writers for the supporting cast. That's my only grip with Tellale, their supporting characters. Once they fix that, Telltale would really start kicking ass.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Aug, 2009, 11:58…
    I think they've been using contract writers for awhile now: Jeff Lester and Ian Dallas (and Chuck Jordan, before he got onboard full time) on Sam & Max, and the guy who did the CSI novels for the CSI games.
  • Huz on 03 Aug, 2009, 22:38…
    Originals designs eh? I'm hoping for Wonky.
  • The Tingler on 03 Aug, 2009, 22:12…
    There's nothing about that answer I don't like.
  • The Tingler on 03 Aug, 2009, 22:17…
    With the next question though, he says that it's NOT Maniac Mansion/Day of the Tentacle. Oh well.
  • jp-30 on 04 Aug, 2009, 03:41…
    Well, that's a given. I dare say LucasArts & Telltale will sit back after ToMi is done, and then evaluate season 2 or moving onto another LucasArts IP.

    And if all is well, and everyone is happy with the returns and the model, I would imagine they'd be concentrating on at least one more MI season before thinking about other LucasArts properties.
  • SurplusGamer on 04 Aug, 2009, 09:20…
    I think we'll see a game in that universe sometime in the next few years. Just a hunch.