
DailyRadar Starfighter 15 Feb, 2001, 02:22 / 0 comments

Daily Radar has posted an in depth preview of LEC's Starfighter for the Playstation2. Hopes are high for this game so you may want to head over to Daily Radar to see if the expextations have been met after extensive play-testing. here's a quote:
When developers withhold tangible samples of eagerly anticipated games, we're prone to become a bit suspicious -- after all, we all know all too well what happens when we get our hopes up too high. And with Starfighter, LucasArts' premiere title for the PS2, hopes are very high indeed. Sony's badass black box is in dire need of a spacebound shooter (there are, currently, none -- sci-fi or otherwise), and we could all use a great Star Wars game.