
Costume Quest looks pretty, will debut next month 18 Feb, 2019 / 5 comments

Hey, remember how Costume Quest is being turned into a TV show from the studio that animated Adventure Time? Well, we now know the show will debut on March 8th on Amazon Prime. Here's a trailer:

Source: Eurogamer



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    Melancholick on 22 Feb, 2019, 18:57…
    Why, yes. Yes, I will be tuning in.

    Thank you for asking, Mojo. I come here for the news, but I stay for the courtesy.
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    Jason on 19 Feb, 2019, 00:35…
    While no Defenders of Dynatron City, this does look like it could be amusing.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 18 Feb, 2019, 22:20…
    Lol. All good. I hope it's a big success for DF. They could do with one!
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    Kroms on 18 Feb, 2019, 22:09…


    "turned into a TV show from the Adventure Time?" Is Pendleton Ward at the helm...? :-O

    That's just my half-asleepiness typing. I've fixed the sentence. Sorry to break your heart.

    But same animation studio (who apparently did another show with Ward called Bravest Warriors). They also apparently animated Ape Escape (?!) and Castlevania (I saw the first season on an off-night and kinda liked it).
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 18 Feb, 2019, 22:00…
    "turned into a TV show from the Adventure Time?" Is Pendleton Ward at the helm...? :-O

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