
Costume Quest is available 12 Mar, 2019 / 4 comments

If you remember, Double Fine's Costume Quest is now an animated series. It released three days ago—say one thing about Mojo, say we're on that breaking news cycle, like a petulant man-child on Twitter—and you can watch it here.

Anyone seen the show? What did you think of it?

It's crazy to think that Costume Quest released nine years ago. You could do worse than pass a few hours punching ogres for candy. I'm going to be playing Costume Quest 2 this Halloween.

Source: Amazon Prime



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    Melancholick on 17 Mar, 2019, 23:40…


    Wasn't it Tim who wrote it?

    As I recall, Tim's take was that he "helped" with the writing coming out of Amnesia Fortnight, but I honestly have zero clue as to how much of a game a Project Lead at Double Fine is responsible for, especially when they're the one who prototyped it?

    He and Elliot Roberts are definitely credited as the writers, but I get the sense that Tasha's humor was a linchpin for the first CQ. Especially with how different the sequel felt on that front.
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    Kroms on 16 Mar, 2019, 23:45…


    Kinda wish Tasha Harris' writing had more of a presence (her grasp of that snarky divide between the adult world and Wren/Reynold's adventure was so danged good), but it's a really tight little companion piece to the games.

    Wasn't it Tim who wrote it?
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    Melancholick on 16 Mar, 2019, 23:29…
    Y'know, it really starts to catch fire in terms of its humor and premise around the third episode. I was a little balky on the whole 80's-style "two-episodes-in-an-episode" format when it kicked off, but there's a nice continuity and the lore does a steady build that's got me looking forward to more.

    Kinda wish Tasha Harris' writing had more of a presence (her grasp of that snarky divide between the adult world and Wren/Reynold's adventure was so danged good), but it's a really tight little companion piece to the games.
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    AlfredJ on 12 Mar, 2019, 07:07…
    I actually watched all 6 episodes. It's good! Obviously aimed at a younger audience, but very charming.

    I kept an eye out for easter eggs and caught one that's so good it's probably (definitely) not intended as one, but at one point the kids actually adumbrate an elephant to escape from a room, just like in the Lucasarts Labyrinth game!

    ...I might need to start seeing a professional about some of these thoughts.

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