I might have missed . . . something, seeing I can’t find an announcement from Double Fine . . . but Costume Quest, quite possibly the most charming games in the Mojo-verse, is being turned into an animated series for Amazon. There’s even a trailer:
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They were talking about this show for years, and I remember seeing some storyboards and early designs ages ago. I was afraid it was quietly cancelled at this point, but I'm happy to see it's still happening. And if this ends up creating some new fans for Double Fine, we'll all win. I definitely don't want them to go the way of Telltale.
Fun fact: Patrick McHale is one if the directors on this. That's the guy that did Over the Garden Wall, an amazing miniseries starring Elijah Wood. That's something to be very excited about.
Happy for Double Fine, though.
But hey, maybe the thing will hit, and we'll get a new game out of it.