Clone Wars: The Animated Series? 14 Nov, 2002 / Comments: 6
Ain't it Cool News has received word from trusted spies working for LucasFilm that the company has been negotiating with Cartoon Network about an animated series based on the Clone Wars, or, what we can only assume are the events that take place between Episodes II and III of the Star Wars saga. Although this isn't anywhere near an official confirmation, you can still read the "details" here.
A Very Personal Update by mercatfat: It's been confirmed, but damn, AICN sure is ugly, isn't it? On a more personal note, while an AOTC series might be a lame cash-in on the already lame movie, it beats Courage the Cowardly Dog by default. YODA DA MAN.
Nothing compared to most of the stuff on the Sunday Adult Swims, though.