
Cheap games 4 u 18 Oct, 2007, 21:57 / 1 comments

Piping hot and smelling of yeast, fresh from the Mojo bread ovens - that is to say, out from the forums ? comes news of The Exchange Student Episode 2.

I'd heard of this adventure game before, due to the good reception of Episode 1 ? but Mojo readers will take particular interest in The Exchange Student when they hear that Bill Eaken, LucasArts artist from the days of yore, created the backgrounds for the game using a magical device known as a "computer."

Episodes one and two are available for eight haypny and a silver sickle (or two pieces o' eight, in pirate money) from the web-source.

People looking for cheap adventure games made by very small independent teams should also see Wadjet Eye Games, headed by one Dave Gilbert, the festive congregation of Dave Grossman and Ron Gilbert.

1 Comment

  • elTee on 18 Oct, 2007, 23:16…