People anxious to get their little hands on Brütal Legend will be pleased to discover that a demo will be released on PSN and 360 as early as September 17th. Tim Schafer had this to say:
Villagers have surround our offices with torches demanding the game, so we're releasing a demo and hope that this taste of metal will keep the mob at bay until Brütal Legend comes out.Make no mistake, if you like legends, September and Rocktober have plenty to keep you satisfied. If you also like brütality, you should be doubly excited. And stay away from me.
Thanks to Destructoid for the heads-up.
Source: Destructoid
"Online / In-Store Pickup Customers: A code and download instructions will be emailed beginning 9/16/09." So I guess that means that the 17th is only people that preorder from Gamestop.