
Brütal Legend not delayed 19 Mar, 2008, 22:42 / 8 comments

There was never a rumour or a report that Brütal Legend, the latest offering of awesome from Double Fine, would be delayed, and yet here I am saying it won't be. Is it really worth posting about? Have I lost my mind?

Why, yes, and yes, but I don't see how my psychotic urges are relevant. What I'm trying to say is that even though some Sierra titles will probably not get released, Brütal Legend is not among them. In case you were wondering. Like me. For if Brütal Legend were among them Activision should put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose.

Source: Gaming Today



  • neon_git on 20 Mar, 2008, 00:06…
    I think given the success of Rock Band the suits wouldn't axe Brutal Legend anyway.

    Yes, you and I know they're nothing alike but they both feature heavy metal and have a vaguely similar asthetic. That's enough to confuse "tick-the-box" types and accountants.
  • Kroms on 20 Mar, 2008, 00:32…
    Tick-the-box types suck. I actually feel like throwing up when I have to deal with them.
  • jp-30 on 20 Mar, 2008, 01:14…
    Please clarify by ticking the box that best describes how you actually feel;

    [ ] Literally throwing up.
    [ ] Just a little heartburn.
    [ ] Come over all faint with nausea.
    [ ] Other (please specify)
  • Maratanos on 20 Mar, 2008, 01:21…
    [x] Other: Beating you over the head with a burnt muffin.
  • jp-30 on 20 Mar, 2008, 01:56…
    That is not a tick. (Fail)
  • Maratanos on 20 Mar, 2008, 03:17…
    Yeah. It's an internet tick, silly.

    Ever seen those things that they use where you tick boxes on the computer and then they print off with the little x's...
  • neon_git on 20 Mar, 2008, 03:15…
    [√]Other: Being overly pedantic.
  • Sp0tted on 20 Mar, 2008, 02:38…
    Hanging chad.