Faithful reader, Rum Rogers, was recently out on one of his . . . colorful . . . web surfing voyages when, out of the blue, popped this rather adult looking ad:
Always a man who wants to get to the bottom of things, so to speak, Rum dug a bit deeper, and found that the aforementioned logo, which at least was a somewhat modified version of Ben, was not one of a kind:
We got nothing, other than utter bafflement.
Ugh. I really wish I hadn't Googled that
I was curious, but not brave enough. Thank you for confirming for me that it isn't worth it haha
"Ben, get over here and nail me!!!"
"I'm not putting my lips on that"
This is the second funniest thing I've seen today, right after that unexpected Ben popup.
Also, my previous sentence accidentally makes a great Monkey Island reference.
What makes this extra weird for me is that they didn't just randomly copy some official art of Ben's head from the internet, but that someone drew their own version. Is this the new peeing Calvin (& Hobbes) bumper sticker? Viral marketing for Schafer's new side business?
I'm definitely not brave enough to google it to find out.