
Back To The Future Ep 4 and Hector out next week, but... 22 Apr, 2011 / 3 comments

It's been announced via Press Release and Twitter that two of Telltale's games will be with us shortly. Hector: Badge of Carnage, the rather fun-looking traditional 2D adventure, will be out Wednesday April 27th and Back To The Future Episode 4: Double Visions will be out just generally next week sometime.

But there's one missing. Where's the first episode of Jurassic Park? It's still down as coming out April. If it's been delayed to give it an extra layer of, um, quality, I'm all for that - but shouldn't there be an announcement or something? If it is still coming out though... three games in one week Telltale? Wow.


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    AlfredJ on 23 Apr, 2011, 10:37…
    I actually really liked that Hector-trailer! I love the cheesiness they're going for.

    About Jurassic Park: Maybe they're preparing to release it this weekend, as an Easter-thing? Three Telltale-episodes in a week is a lot, and I think people might forget about Hector if Back to the Future and Jurassic Park are released only a couple of days earlier/later. On the other hand, IGN is running some sort of dino-week next week, which is clearly Jurassic Park-related. I guess they could release it on the last day of that, but that ends on friday, when they're already releasing Hector.

    Yeah, I really want to play Jurassic Park, but I wouldn't mind them taking a bit more time. We've already got two Telltale games coming pretty soon, so I can hold out a bit longer.
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    bgbennyboy on 23 Apr, 2011, 09:28…
    I love those trailers!
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    Capn_Nacho on 23 Apr, 2011, 05:53…
    I can't believe how unfunny the trailer for Hector is.

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