
AG declares Bone week 08 Apr, 2006, 02:33 / Comments: 1

Formerly known as the last week of Lent, the five days following April 10th will finally be designated for their real purpose. Adventure Gamers announces that during this time it will be dedicated to providing Telltale content in celebration of the release of The Great Cow Race. In addition to the goodies they promise (including a Bone giveaway), they will culminate the event by hosting a chat with various members of the Telltale team so that you might harass them or otherwise make a shameful spectacle of yourself until you're either booted or get the answers you want.

Read all about it here.

Source: AG


1 Comment

  • Scummbuddy on 08 Apr, 2006, 16:03…
    I think "Your week to get Boned" would have been a more appropriate title... :P