
A smattering of Double Fine news 13 Jun, 2018 / 6 comments

First and (probably) foremost: Grim Fandango and Broken Age are hitting the Switch. Yes, you already own multiple versions of both, but why stop now? Look forward to re-buying them "in the coming months."

And if you want to watch yesterday's Grim Fandango live event, here you go . . .



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    Crabtree on 21 Jun, 2018, 01:32…
    Tony Plana has always reminded me very strongly of Don Adams. There's just something about him beyond the slight facial resemblance that makes me think of Don's remarkable ability of make people smile.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 16 Jun, 2018, 14:43…
    Anyone notice this on Tim's script?

    Ubisoft's/Elijah Wood's Transference :)
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 16 Jun, 2018, 01:18…
    That was amazing. Even better than I expected!
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    neon_git on 13 Jun, 2018, 23:11…
    Wait, the villain the last great LucasArts adventure was played by ... Jim Ward?
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    Kolzig on 13 Jun, 2018, 17:51…
    Absolutely wonderful. So happy it's not just in Facebook, but it's also found in Youtube.

    This is a real one of a kind special event. Absolutely delighted to have the chance to watch the video recording of this.
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    AlfredJ on 13 Jun, 2018, 15:04…
    This really is something quite special. I love how much fun everyone on stage is having with this. This is also my first time seeing the real Manny, and he looks just about perfect. Really a must-watch for everyone here, I'd say.

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