
A screenplay by Ted Elliot 19 Aug, 2009 / Comments: 4

On his blog, Steve Purcell has shared a new piece of concept art from the canceled The Curse of Monkey Island animated movie, in pre-production at some point in 2000. Sorry, by that I mean "speculative piratey piece of potential film entertainment."

The art depicts LeChuck staring with unbridled emotion at Tia Dalma's musical locket some sort of weird seashell.

Update: We caught these previously unseen character designs (for CMI the game - yes, Purcell did some early sketches for that!) from last month too, right?


  • syntheticgerbil on 20 Aug, 2009, 17:54…
    I love this stuff. The concept Purcell did for the unmade movie are some of his best works.
  • Ascovel on 19 Aug, 2009, 11:36…
    They're great!
  • Kroms on 19 Aug, 2009, 08:19…
    Was going to post 'em later on, with the finished painting.

    Designs remind me of Insecticide.
  • Icebox on 19 Aug, 2009, 05:07…
    All I know is that I absolutely LOVE the Tall, Svelte, Afro'd Voodoo Lady he drew way back when. Could've USED his redesign.