
A Vampyre Story released on Steam, eight trillion years later 16 Jul, 2014 / 6 comments

Your final excuse has just been abolished. Autumn Moon's first (of two) games is now on the one last digital distribution service it had been glaringly missing from. So get on it - aren't you hankering to know what all that fuss was about six years ago?

It seems Bill Tiller had some help getting the game fitted to Steam's specifications. I'm sure many of you share his gratitude:

Buy it for yourself and then a friend! Every million sales make a difference for that sequel's chances.



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    Artisa on 22 Jul, 2014, 15:07…
    Oh my gosh! I've been wanting to play this forever, thanks for the heads up! :D

    Just bought it! ^_^
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    Artisa on 22 Jul, 2014, 15:07…
    Oh my gosh! I've been wanting to play this forever, thanks for the heads up! :D

    Just bought it! ^_^
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    Nor Treblig on 21 Jul, 2014, 07:04…


    My final excuse is and always was that it doesn't run on GNU/Linux.

    It's using Panda3D so at least there is a chance of proper Linux and modern Windows support without changing the whole engine. They "just" have to upgrade their engine...
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    DrMcCoy on 18 Jul, 2014, 10:41…

    My final excuse is and always was that it doesn't run on GNU/Linux.
    Insert pithy quote about how "assume" is constructed.
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    Nor Treblig on 17 Jul, 2014, 17:14…
    Steam? I want his games on GOG!
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    OzzieMonkey on 17 Jul, 2014, 00:33…
    My final excuse is the number of complaints that it still doesn't work on modern windows. I still have a copy from GamersGate and upon launching, it just hangs in task manager, doesn't even crash, just..nothing. I'm not going to waste nearly 20 dollars until I'm assured that it's fixed.

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