
A Vampyre Story news secretly hidden on Facebook 08 Sep, 2010 / 3 comments

Did you know that A Vampyre Story has its own Facebook page? It's apparently a favorite of Mojo's Facebook page, the existence of which I often have to remind myself of.

Well, don't feel bad if you've never heard of it, because I hadn't either. If I had, you can be reasonably certain that I would have been on top of the AVS2 updates, apparently by Bill Tiller, that have been laying dormant there for months. Take this update from May 21:

AVS2 looks like it is on track for Late 2011 now. I was hoping early 2011, but the financing is a bit slower to come than we hoped. Sorry about the delay. Our goal is Halloween 2011, which would be a very cool day to come out.

That would explain an awful lot about why we haven't heard anything on A Bat's Tale in so long. Now check out this one:

We are looking into doing a iPhone/ iPad Prequel of AVS. We have to do some research and make sure we can do ti first. But if we can i think will be a cool game because the iPad seems like a really good venue for adventure games. So this will be an experiment. Wish us luck.

The game currently in development by Autumn Moon, the artwork for which Bill occasionally links to on twitter specks at a time, was said to possibly be an iPad game, and what little we've seen of the art style sure looks A Vampyre Story-esque to my peepers, so I have a hard time believing these two projects aren't one and the same. Will we be able to play a Mona and Froderick prologue while they beg on street corners for their first sequel to get published? I bet we get an announcement confirming just that one of these days.


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    valkian on 09 Sep, 2010, 20:15…
    Cool, I have made that AVS page, glad to know Mr. Tiller is putting it to good use.
    By the way, we should do something with the Mojo page (which I also made). Let me know if anyone else wants to be added to the admins.
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    Jason on 08 Sep, 2010, 12:38…

    The Tingler

    Ghost Pirates is STILL not on Steam, and that's a big mistake.

    Neither Ghost Pirates nor AVS made it to Steam, though they're both available from many other digital outlets. That's the publisher's perogative, most likely.
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    The Tingler on 08 Sep, 2010, 04:20…
    We have a Facebook page?

    Otherwise, this is cool. Good to see there's some sort of progress being made on the game. Hopefully they'll do the sensible thing and release it digital-only, preferably on both Steam and Direct2Drive. Ghost Pirates is STILL not on Steam, and that's a big mistake.

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