Double Fine Productions, game studio of Grim Fandango creator Tim Schafer, has turned two years old today, and has a pretty cake on their page to celebrate. You love it! "Two years, no product" - Tim Schafer.
Another special note: They also updated their jobs page. Now you'll never get a job there, Pedro! I know how much you pined for that job, but now it's too late. I guess someone was just too busy reading pamphlets about diseases and not focusing on his career in level design. For the non-Pedros, though, I guess that's good news. Cause now Double's Finest probably has an industry-pro working on Psychonaut's levels. So write them and tell them how amazingly GLAD you are.
on 27 Jul, 2002, 05:21…
They turned two, so why does only one of the heads burn?
on 27 Jul, 2002, 06:53…
Oh, soorrrry. How would you like it if someone set YOUR head on fire?
Um, complain to Scott C. He's the one responsible, apparently, for only lighting one head.
They also updated their jobs page. Now you'll never get a job there, Pedro! I know how much you pined for that job, but now it's too late. I guess someone was just too busy reading pamphlets about diseases and not focusing on his career in level design.
For the non-Pedros, though, I guess that's good news. Cause now Double's Finest probably has an industry-pro working on Psychonaut's levels. So write them and tell them how amazingly GLAD you are.
Um, complain to Scott C. He's the one responsible, apparently, for only lighting one head.