Guess who has JKII a few days early? Yeah, that's right.
This is one of the nicest packages LucasArts has put out in a while. The box, CD, and manual are all excellent quality. To tide you over until the game ships, I've put up some pictures. Enjoy!
is that box normal sized? Seems so small next to Jake's oversized head? Or did you use a big-heads cheat on that image? :D jk guys ;) jk, get it? :P
on 28 Mar, 2002, 16:46…
Look at this picture for a relative size comparison. Also look at the picture of it next to the EMI box. It's small. (This is Jake not invis)
Remi O
on 27 Mar, 2002, 06:40…
I like the cover art. It sorta - but only sorta - makes up for EMI's horrible box.
on 27 Mar, 2002, 06:39…
Jake: So how well does JKII play on the Mac? ;)
on 27 Mar, 2002, 06:57…
Note I did a preview of the *box art and manual,* not the game itself. :) The old mac can only handle one thing at a time. We'll work him up to JKII somehow.
on 27 Mar, 2002, 01:10…
Cali, JK2 is teh r0x actually! I have it warez ISO (dont worry anyone, i intend to buy the game as soon as its in stores) and the SP and MP rox! Shame tho that there isn't (or i havent found it?) a double lightsaber (darth maul style) in the MP :/
on 27 Mar, 2002, 06:36…
How do you know there isn't a double bladed lightsaber? You probably just haven't looked in the correct places yet.
on 27 Mar, 2002, 10:43…
Didn't you read his post? He said he may not have found it if it's in there.
on 28 Mar, 2002, 08:03…
No, I didn't read his post.
on 27 Mar, 2002, 00:24…
lol next time i'm going to take screenshots of you editing the post jake :P
on 27 Mar, 2002, 00:15…
Shame i'm not too fond of Starwars. So i'm having a bad LEC period seeming the last 20 games (comming/made) are starwars. Maybe a change to Starwars Entertainment Company? :P