
30 Most Influential People in Gaming 08 Mar, 2002, 16:42 / 8 comments

GameSpy has compiled its own list of the 30 Most Influential People in Gaming. Ron Gilbert, creator of SCUMM and Monkey Island, makes the list at #29 for basically changing the way we play adventure games. Interestingly enough, George Lucas makes the list at #17 for starting LucasArts. Here's a quote:
But beyond the Star Wars franchise is where LucasArts has really shined, with the Monkey Island series and Grim Fandango, unique adventure games with truckloads of humor and surprises. I mean, when was the last time you saw a Sam Spade-esque detective story set against the backdrop of a Mexican "Dia de los Muertos" mythology?
When indeed.


  • Tall Guy on 11 Mar, 2002, 03:01…
    yeah i think the general opinion is that a prequel would be the best option
  • LucasTones on 09 Mar, 2002, 11:12…
    NO SEQUEL!!! I love GF, but I don't want its reputation ruined like EMI did to the Monkey Island series. I suppose if they had to make one, a prequel would be best. Or, at the very worst, an original adventure with new characters in the land of the dead.
  • Metallus on 09 Mar, 2002, 15:37…
    At the very worst?? A new game in the LOD would be awesome!
  • telarium on 10 Mar, 2002, 10:04…
    Mmmmmmmaybe. If it had no (or very very few) connections to previous characters and was NOT some kind of action/adventure hybrid, I suppose it wouldn't be impossible to pull off.
  • Tall Guy on 09 Mar, 2002, 04:36…
    ...and yet still no sign of a sequal :(
  • QueZTone on 09 Mar, 2002, 02:00…
    good one tel. when indeedio
  • Kesal on 08 Mar, 2002, 18:02…
    Again, Grim Fandango rules
  • Trapezoid on 08 Mar, 2002, 20:21…
    Hear hear.