
202 gameplay video displays gameplay 03 Jan, 2008 / Comments: 3

Telltale has put up the first gameplay video for Moai Better Blues showing Sam (who is accompanied by Max) as they do some exploring on Easter Island. Sybil and Abe are steadily progressing their relationship, the Bermuda Triangle is responsible for a sizable Lost and Found, and the famous Moai heads may or may not be jerks. See it all, and look out for the game's release next week!

Update: Telltale has also put up some new soundtrack mp3s, both from 201 and 202. Books: Check 'em out!


  • Metallus on 04 Jan, 2008, 03:59…
    I am sad that I cannot locate the California Raisins PSA that you are surely referencing.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Jan, 2008, 05:39…
    Weird. That's the sort of thing I take for granted would be on the Internet.
  • Metallus on 04 Jan, 2008, 07:01…
    When I searched for it, I only found posts lamenting its absence on major video hosting sites like Youtube. Someone find it :(