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Udoiana Raunes 3 - In search for Indiana Jones 4


In 2005 there were already the "modern" Windows operating systems, but the authors have the same continued to use the old MS-DOS, for love and homage to glorious games like Monkey Island and Indiana Jones from LucasArts. This third Udoiana Raunes' adventure comes from the desire of the authors to have a fourth film about the exploits of their hero Indiana Jones. It all begins with an episode: in October 2005 Stephan Zwanzger was called up for the "Hollywood Film Festival", since his short film (Dangerous Animal) has received a nomination. On that occasion he met George Lucas! Full of enthusiasm he asked him to make Indiana Jones 4! Also present was the wife of the director, who laughed at the strange request, and so enjoyed, Lucas said, "OK, I'll do it!".
AUTHORS: Stephan Zwanzger & Thomas Wagner
COUNTRY: Germany
RELEASE: 02 May 2005
STATUS: Complete