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DeathStar 150


Presentation by the authors: "You take on the role as a young Jedi thrust into the battle between the Rebel alliance and the ever-present Empire. Your task is to destroy the Empire's major weapon of destruction, the Death Star. With only your X-Wing and piloting skills, you must navigate through the trench that leads to the reactor exhaust port and fire in a couple of shots to start a chain reaction which will destroy the Death Star from within. Suit up and may the force be with you. DeathStar150 is a project specifically created for the Blitz Coder 150 line competition in a collaborative effort between x2 and Topknot. The project was specifically engineered to explore the very limits of the contest and weighs in at 147 lines of code, just under the limit. DeathStar150 placed 3rd in the Blitz Coder 150 line competition of February 2003. Since then we have received numerous emails regarding this work, crediting it with their decision to learn the Blitz Basic 3D programming language."
AUTHORS: Z2 Productions & Topknot
COUNTRY: England?
RELEASE: 03 Feb 2003
STATUS: Complete