Xmas Contest '08 Page Three

The winning entry... (Click on image for full size)

-- submitted by Junaid
At first I thought, should this win? It seems unfair that this is the only that uses art. But then I thought, why should this entry be penalised just because it's awesome?

Yeah, it's not as if we specified against using art or anything. I mean, we left it pretty open...

Right. And this does match the competition specifications. I mean, it's a fake history of a LucasArts game, sort of. Plus the art is really great. Is that a reference to Nightmare Before Christmas in frame four? I love it.

Yeah, the quality is really good, but what really made this the winner was the idea of it. The style is like Communist propoganda or something. It's great stuff, though I have to say it was still a close match between this, and the other entries. Unfrtounately there could be only one winner...
Thanks to everyone who sent something in, and to Chroncile Books for sponsering the competition!