
LucasArts' Secret History #6: Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Random Stuff
Mojo Remembers... 1991
GAMES of 1991
- Alien Breed. Not in any way related to the Alien films. Nosirree. Just ignore that cover art. Still a fantastic game though. Remember when Team 17 did more than just Worms games?
- Duke Nukem. Yes, the very first non-FPS game. Remember them? And remember how the sequel came out just two years later? What speed!
- James Pond II Codename: Robocod. A very very long platformer in the days when saving was a fool's dream. Fun though.
- Lemmings. One of the greatest games of all time, just after Monkey Island 2. What a year!
- Wing Commander II. Not yet with Mark Hamill. Game was still good though.
MOVIES of 1991
- The Addams Family. Proving that a movie based on a TV series can be great. This would never happen again. No, not even Mission: Impossible.
- Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Marketing driven by a song as the yanks do their best to Americanize merry old England. Men In Tights was good though.
- Hook. Steven Spielberg makes a slightly darker sequel to a kiddie story, although not as disturbing as Return to Oz.
- The Silence of the Lambs. Nothing whatsoever to do with sheep. I was distraught.
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Again another boundary broken - sequels can be better than the original. Also see Monkey Island 2.
NEWS of 1991
- Harald V of Norway becomes king after the death of his father, Olav. Presumably nothing Hamlet-related happened. School children across the land cheered for getting the day off.
- 70 tornadoes break out in central United States. A young girl and her little dog are still missing.
- Solar Eclipse of record totality occurs. So total the moon and the sun actually swapped places for a few days as they got confused.
- Pee-Wee Herman is arrested in Florida for masturbating in a theater. That's against the law? Wow! I won't be doing that again!
- ...tzi the Iceman is found in the Alps. Say that five times fast.
- The SCUMM Bar - Always the best resource for anything Monkey Island related, dead or not.
- MI Legend - Another popular Monkey Island fansite.
- The World of MI - Yet another popular Monkey Island web site.
- ATMacine's House of LucasArts and Sierra Oddities - For the LEC fan who thrives on ridiculously obscure observations. The MI2 related sections are here and here.
- Monkey Island - The Revelation - Originally posted at The SCUMM Bar, this is the best article dedicated to the interpretation of MI2's ending and the debate about what the Secret is.