Your favorite thing in the world: Hey everyone, look what I've got: pictures from our family vacation to Los Angeles! What, leaving already? What do you mean, "look at the time?" Come on.
We know you love looking at photo albums so much, so we have prepared a giant - mostly boring, mostly embarrassing - one for you to browse. The best part? You get to tell us how boring these are what you think of them when you get to the end. Enjoy!
We should sue them.Wrath was thoroughly unleashed.Secret Weapons Over That Guy's HeadRonda was this happy that we missed our Thursday appointment.Episode III?Peer into the future of Mojo features, maybe.Sneak inside the LucasArts booth...... or back away in fear.HotJKIII demo, uncomfortable personal moment, or both?If you like the game...... then you'll love the action figures!Full Throttle 2: Electric BoogalooFear ToonTown.Tomorrowland is worthless with Space Mountain closed.Teacups: Also Electric BoogalooBack to front: Metallus, tabacco (AG's programmer), telarium.Sony's booth was whimsical, yet evil.Jake loses horribly at PDA Scrabble. This picture loses as well.The XBox booth always oozes "80's supervillan."Christina and Amanda experience the extremeness that is falling in a giant plastic log.Guybrush is far too good at PDA Scrabble.This booth popped up when we tried to visit JA+Nintendo is the best ever. Except when they show boring games.Jake and Sarah are shocked. Marek looks like he's reading a book.Crazy Dancing is not OK.Crazy Dom is OK, maybe.Wait maybe it's not OK at all.Fine fine, just moderately OK.