

2006: A Year in Review Page Three

We quizzed our readers (all six of them!) about what they thought of 2006 and 2007.

Best game of 2006

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First place: Sam & Max 2 (21 votes)
Second place: Longest Journey II and LEGO Star Wars II (4 votes)
Third place: Great Cow Race, and Thrillville (1 vote)
The loosers: CSI and Broken Sword IV

Okay, own up: which one of you voted for Thrillville? I’m being unreasonably harsh, of course: I haven’t actually played that game, and the reviews are good, but somehow it’s hard to feel anything favourable towards it. I mean, roller coasters? Please.

Best headline of 2006

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First place: Tim is asked questions, answers them (Udarvoky) (6 votes)
Second place: Bad Brain Hemorrhages (jp-30) (5 votes)
Third place: "Absolutely amazing... can I touch him?" (elTee) (4 votes)
The looser: Bono: I wanna blow up the walls that hold me inside (jp-30)

Simplicity, and not homoeroticism, wins the vote.

Best active Mojo site of 2006

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First place: Behind Mojo (7 votes)
Second place: Nightlight Productions, Unofficial Sam & Max and World of Monkey Island (4 votes)
Third place: LEC Quick & Easy (3 votes)
The loosers: Blood Island and Pacomania

Curiously, the site with the worst pictures won, and the two sites with amazingly good draw-dropping art lost. There ain’t no justice, it seems.

Behind Mojo is a curious sub-section of the site, where staff can post whatever the hell they want. Usually this means nonsensical drivel, but occasionally something fun pops up, helped by the lack of restraints. Taking the piss out of minor web celebrities is easier... in the dark.

Favourite 2006 promise

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First place: LucasArts: we're returning to quality. Probably in 2015. (8 votes)
Second place: Indy Month to conclude in February! (4 votes)
Third place: New Mojo to be made and new LFN server is "best and most stable ever" (3 votes)
The loosers: SCUMM Bar and Grim Fandango Network to return

Indy Month really will conclude in February, though it might be in 2015, the year that we’ll all be awaiting Monkey Island 5, Day of the Tentacle 2 and an end to world hunger. Hey, 2015... it’s a long way away!

Best news story of 2006

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First place: Sam & Max is/are released! (8 votes)
Second place: Bad Brain closing down (LOL) (6 votes
Third place: Ron Gilbert goes to Paris! (4 votes)
The loosers: Psychonauts 360 compatible, and Bone gets "director's cut."

2006 marked the best piece of news we’ve ever had, news so wonderful that people could hardly believe it was really happening. I remember people discussing it on the forums for weeks. So why did only four of you vote for the news of Ron Gilbert taking a holiday!?

Most wanted combeback for 2007

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First place: Monkey Island 5! (6 votes)
Second place: DJG (3 votes)
Third place: ATMachine and his meticulously well researched additions to the database (2 votes)
The loosers: Spaff, Dan Pettit, Dominic Armato, IRC Monkey Meetings, The MIGC, the PiBluff, Simnon Jeffery, The SCUMM Bar, Captain Mystery, Joey the Fish.

This one honestly surprised me: it seems that people really do want another Monkey Island game. One made by Telltale would probably be very good. The mind boggles.

Unlikliest game to be released in 2007

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First place: An original game from LucasArts (11 votes)
Second place: Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert's projects (4 votes)
Third place: A non-franchise Telltale game, Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth (fan game), and a sequel to an old franchise that isn't Sam & Max. (1 vote)
The loosers: A Vampyre Story, adventure games on the Wii, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 2 (fan game)

An original game? From LucasArts? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

[]Mojo updater most likely to get fired in 2007
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First place: A Pirate! Yar! (7 votes)
Second place: Gabez (6 votes)
Third place: Huz, Metallus, and Mr Manager (who?) (3 votes)
The loosers: jp-30, elTee, scaryrobot, bgbennyboy, JBRAA, Jake.

Oh, come on! A pirate, Yar!? That’s not even a real person! I’m blatantly more likely to get fired next year, probably because of publishing this article, which in parts sounds like something you’d find written in blood on the walls of a murder’s basement

Most awaited thingy for 2007

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First place: A Vampyre Story (7 votes)
Second place: New Sam & Max, and more news on Tim's game (5 votes)
Third place: Grim Fandango network to return, new and invincible, and more news on Ronzo's game!? (3 votes)
The looser: Thrillville II.

Another surprise; it seems that Mojo readers are fully behind Bill Tiller, and hyped for the release of his game. Fingers crossed we see it in 2007!

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