New Monkey Island game announced 25 Nov, 2009 / Comments: 1
Now that 2015 has come and almost gone, you may be left wondering what to clamor for with Monkey Island 5 almost complete. A new Monkey game? Not necessary. You may be shocked: after SMI:SE and TMI, someone announced IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG, "almost 95% complete". The grumpier among you will be happy to note that it's in 2D. And dark.
And speaking of Tales, Telltale have re-cut and added footage to this here recently updated fan trailer (much to said fan's delight), adding in stuff from Chapter 5 (so, spoilers), and (I kid you not) re-recording the relevant lines from Chapter One with that dude who appeared in Chapter Four. Spoilers: I'm talking about Earl Boen.
Finally, some insane people are doing a Monkey Island animated movie, which Steve Purcell is not doing concept art for. If you think you could lend a hand, go for it.