
The original Jennifer Parker back in Back To The Future 24 Mar, 2011 / 7 comments

The latest Behind The Scenes video for Back To The Future is now available at GameTrailers, which brings the news that Marty's girlfriend Jennifer Parker will be back in Episode 3: Citizen Brown - and will be played once again by Claudia Wells. That's Claudia "Back To The Future Part 1" Wells, not Elizabeth "Part II and III" Shue.

I know Mojo is usually a bit more sophisticated than other sites, we don't usually degrade ourselves by posting sexist comments, but I gotta say... Claudia clearly isn't a teenager anymore. Her voice is much deeper.

Source: GameTrailers



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    The Tingler on 28 Mar, 2011, 14:58…


    At the end of episode 2, Jennifer says the same line that Claudia says in the GameTrailers trailer, except she sounds like she did in Back to the Future part 1. Telltale probably pitch shifted her voice to sound younger.

    Aha, didn't catch that! Was hoping something like that would occur. Thanks, er, Jennifer. :)
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    Jennifer on 25 Mar, 2011, 15:17…
    At the end of episode 2, Jennifer says the same line that Claudia says in the GameTrailers trailer, except she sounds like she did in Back to the Future part 1. Telltale probably pitch shifted her voice to sound younger.
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    The Tingler on 25 Mar, 2011, 13:38…


    Yeah, well, how many of you sound exactly the same as you did 26 years ago? How many of you sound the same as you did 10 years ago? My voice has definitely gotten deeper from 18 to 28, and I don't even smoke. Even Christopher Lloyd doesn't sound exactly the same as he did in the movies.

    That said, it's weird how little she looks and sounds like she did in the first movie. To the point that if I didn't know it was her, I wouldn't be able to tell it was Claudia Wells. I mean, Lea Thompson still looks like Lorraine.

    Totally agree, but Telltale had enough sense not to cast Christopher Lloyd as his teenage self. Claudia Wells doesn't even sound like she's trying to sound younger.

    Of course, the proof will be in the game itself. We'll see.
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    daltysmilth on 25 Mar, 2011, 02:29…
    Yeah, well, how many of you sound exactly the same as you did 26 years ago? How many of you sound the same as you did 10 years ago? My voice has definitely gotten deeper from 18 to 28, and I don't even smoke. Even Christopher Lloyd doesn't sound exactly the same as he did in the movies.

    That said, it's weird how little she looks and sounds like she did in the first movie. To the point that if I didn't know it was her, I wouldn't be able to tell it was Claudia Wells. I mean, Lea Thompson still looks like Lorraine.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Mar, 2011, 11:33…
    This news post needs help.
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    Lagomorph on 24 Mar, 2011, 08:26…
    Yes... Claudia's voice sure got... large... :|... :D
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    Capn_Nacho on 24 Mar, 2011, 05:22…
    God, fucking putrid little babies in comment threads just want to constantly remind everyone why video games are still for children. How miserable.

    That said, I'm looking forward to Citizen Brown!

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