
Adventure Gamers is Puzzled... 10 Jun, 2011 / 4 comments

... and therefore they wrote up a preview of Puzzle Agent 2.

While we might have turned Telltale's franchise-obsession into kind of a punchline here, this is a game that has some of us excited. Seeing that Chuck Jordan -- the lead behind The Devil's Playhouse -- wrote the script based on a story by Graham Annable, Sean Vanaman, and the Jake Rodkin, this has the making of a good sequel.

Go read, damn it!

Source: Adventure Gamers



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    Jake on 14 Jun, 2011, 04:16…


    Lol, Jake, too much work on PA2.... you talk through puzzles now... :D
    My answer: Is that an appreciation for the Italic in the article? :D

    It was my appreciation of a malformed tag next to my name. Genuine appreciation, too.
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    Kroms on 11 Jun, 2011, 00:03…
    Chuck Jordan writing the script makes me happy :)
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    Bloody_Eugene on 10 Jun, 2011, 19:05…
    Lol, Jake, too much work on PA2.... you talk through puzzles now... :D
    My answer: Is that an appreciation for the Italic in the article? :D
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    Jake on 10 Jun, 2011, 18:07…

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