
Brütal Legend

Video Date
Brütal Legend Multiplayer Trailer
This video is an overview of Brütal Legend's multiplayer stage battles, which are pretty much the heart…

MP4 39.38 MB · Original 81.03 MB

12 Jun, 2011
Behind the Scenes of Brütal Legend's UI design
Double Fine UI Artist Joe Kowalski discusses some of his responsibilities during the production of Brütal…

MP4 22.45 MB · Original 61.47 MB

12 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend Celebrity Trailer
Heavy metal gods Rob Halford, Lemmy Kilmister, and Ozzy Osbourne talk about their involvement in Brütal…

MP4 28.33 MB · Original 170.2 MB

10 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend E3 2009 Trailer
"Bring on the impalement!

MP4 22.89 MB · Original 192.28 MB

12 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend GamesCon 2009 Trailer
"I shall now teach you of French kissing."

MP4 15.28 MB · Original 117.69 MB

10 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend Opening Cinematic
Featuring a cameo by Richard Horvitz, plus the Bobby Ziltch dance! It's a Psychonauts homage bonanza!

MP4 41.5 MB · Original 287.42 MB

25 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend Press Conference with Tim Schafer and Jack Black as Eddie Riggs
Tim and Jack discuss the game in the context of a press conference, the latter in full Eddie Riggs get-up.…

MP4 39.94 MB · Original 242.89 MB

12 Jun, 2011
Brütal Legend track list revealed while Tim solves Rubik's Cube
Tim has Emily Ridgway, Double Fine music director, run off the list of 107 heavy metal tracks licensed…

MP4 49.93 MB · Original 96.26 MB

12 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 9
Jack hopes that Brutal Legend will draw attention to the roadie as the unsung hero of metal.

MP4 9.41 MB · Original 88.9 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 1
Jack Black learns to his horror that filling his body with toxic amounts of anabolic steroids wasn't…

MP4 10.25 MB · Original 67.83 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 10
Jack gets real and trains you on the breathing exercises you must master to survive a playthrough of…

MP4 11.49 MB · Original 107.06 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 2
Go buy Brugal Legbone!

MP4 14.88 MB · Original 77.97 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 3
Jack learns to his dismay that the stories "real life roadie" Meatbones has to regale aren't particularly…

MP4 12.84 MB · Original 40.2 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 4
Jack knocks over a fan and kills a boom guy while showing off moves with his battle axe.

MP4 10.62 MB · Original 33.28 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 5
Jack introduces Jellybean, the world's first guitar-playing cat. While that claim strikes me as reckless,…

MP4 12.63 MB · Original 91.02 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 6
Jack explains the differences between a roadie and ordinary folk.

MP4 11.05 MB · Original 114.52 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 7
With ample visual aid, Jack tells the tale of the first roadie.

MP4 13.57 MB · Original 34.54 MB

02 Jun, 2011
Brutal Thoughts with Jack Black Part 8
Jack offers advice for how to bear the cruel online taunts you will face when playing Brutal Legend's…

MP4 6.88 MB · Original 86.15 MB

02 Jun, 2011
The World of Brütal Legend
In this narrated montage of concept art and game clips, Double Fine art director Lee Petty discusses…

MP4 75.12 MB · Original 236.02 MB

09 Jun, 2011
Tim Schafer Interviews Jack Black as Eddie Riggs
Jack Black gives a brutally honest interview with Tim Schafer about his experiences in preparing for…

MP4 22.41 MB · Original 132.85 MB

10 Jun, 2011