
2016: A Review In review
Donald Trump… Brexit… People using the word “Brexit”… Add a smattering of deaths—Leonard Cohen, for god's sake!—and this year did us few favors outside of the Mojo-verse. Within it? Well, things could’ve been better.
Take Telltale… With three games released through the year, none of them set the world on fire, and particularly the perfectly meh-ness of Batman should make us all worry about the direction the company is taking. The hip press might have been all about a “thoughtful” and “edgy” take on the franchise, but come on! How many times can Telltale make the same game in a different setting and get away with it?

In addition, things looked grim for Sam & Max for a while, with all three seasons being removed from Telltale's site. They later returned, but as it is, Tales of Monkey Island remains gone.
With the latter one can speculate if Telltale lost its license rights to the game, and then further wonder why they let something like that happen.
Telltale seems to be losing respect for its earlier games, and an increasing amount of those of us have been around for a while are seeing the company turning into LEC of yore. Irony indeed.
On the flip side, Jake “Mojo” Rodkin has been hitting it well with his new game, Firewatch. I mean, they're making a friggin' movie based on it. We at Mojo generously will not take credit for that, because why would we need to state the obvious? You're welcome!
More about the other games of the year in a bit.

Let's spend a few paragraphs on our favorite reader/contributor/scholar: ATMachine. Not only have we had the great pleasure of hosting his site, we have also been treated to a thought provoking dissertation about Guybrush being a woman in men's clothing—beard, get it?—while his Twitter account has figuratively turned into the Breitbart of the community.
Not content with revealing that fanfic published by a former hosted Mojo site actually was written by LucasArts staff, he also took on Zaarin in an awkward discussion about the Loom theme. It's what Twitter was made for.
Seriously and honestly: ATM, our little community would be poorer without you!
And Mojo? We’re still here, and we actually have our first major update to the site in years coming within the next few months. Pinky promise!