Whatever happened to that Vietnam literary analyst?
The Internet is, well, the Internet, and it's increasingly stupid and full of crackpots, but I've been secretly fascinated for years by one person who thought Monkey Island was an analogy for the US invasion of Vietnam. I learned about it from this Chris Purvis interview that Mojo recently excavated, which I read before playing Monkey Island 2. It coloured my playthrough and...well, I've always wondered what the hell the connection was. Is it because there's a Monkey Island in Vietnam? Whatever happened to that person, anyway? Are they roaming the streets of San Francisco, forgotten and ignored? Writing kitchen sink plays which are secret, impenetrable analogies of the Falklands War? Are they on a wild goose chase in Italy, attempting to crack the Da Vinci Code? Where are you, Vietnam person? What did you see?
Comment from Thrik
Now I want to play all the Monkey Island games imagining them being about something.‘The Curse of Monkey Island’ is about WW2. Washing up on the beach of Plunder is a reference to both the D-Day landings and the Nazi gold trains. The volcano’s rumblings clearly a reference to Hitler’s weak stomach. The Carnival of the Damned — the tricks and coercion pulled on the German populace.
Don’t even get me started on the triple meanings of ‘Escape from Monkey Island’.

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