Avast, ye landlubbers! 'tis our bless'd day!
Look: I'm not saying that Mixnmojo, small website though it may be, is in any way important to the universe at large...
I am, however, saying that the world went a bit topsy-turvy around the time Mixnmojo stopped marking Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I'll be damned if in this logic-free dimension of reality correlation doesn't imply causation. With that in mind, I'll now attempt to save the world by pulling a quote, at random, from a beloved mighty pirate. Ahem:
I once had a barber named Dominique.
Allowed bbcodes:
[i] - Italized text
[b] - Bolded text
[url=http://example.com]Name[/url] - Creates a hyperlink
[quote=author]Quote[/quote] - Creates a quote box
[del] - Strikethrough
Fuck the Thumb, I'm heading to Tasty-BaconMojo!
Staff Blogs
- Wait... - “Does anyone from Mojo actually have a blog?” 3 hours, 5 minutes ago