
Trenched delayed in Europe, just like the Yanks were 22 Jun, 2011 / 2 comments

Double Fine's latest exciting-looking digital title, mech/tower assault game Trenched, was supposed to come out in Europe today but has been delayed.

A Microsoft spokesperson told Eurogamer: "Distribution of Trenched in select European regions will be slightly delayed. We're working to resolve the matter as soon as possible."

However, on Twitter Daniel Maher of Xbox UK said: "Official line on Trenched's delay is, 'Unexpected challenges with distribution in some European regions.' Shouldn't take long!"

"Challenges with distribution"? What, has the Big Red Release Button got some dirt stuck underneath it? I didn't realise non-physical items could be distributed.

Probably the Vile Hun's fault.

Source: Eurogamer (via Twitter)



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    AlfredJ on 23 Jun, 2011, 13:06…
    That sounds pretty plausible. I remember that they didn't release the Steam rerelease of Indy and the Last Crusade in Germany because of all the Nazi flags/crosses/signs. I hope that they won't cut out too much content for the European release though. Not that it matters too much for me, as my Xbox died while I was playing Costume Quest.

    It still hurts.
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    SurplusGamer on 23 Jun, 2011, 08:48…
    Well... there is a rumour floating around that this is actually because certain of the salutes you can do at will with analog control of the animation (as demonstrated in the Giant Bomb video) might look a teensy bit like Nazi salutes which is at least a big no-no in Germany in the sense of it being (I think) illegal to display such images as well as a cultural taboo.

    This seems like a fairly plasible explanation to me, (it's difficult to imagine many other good reasons why a Microsoft published game might have difficulty being released on a Microsoft platform) but who knows how long that will take to fix. Boo.

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