
Pssst... Hey, did ya hear the gossip? 07 Mar, 2008, 07:52 / 13 comments

Mojo is never one to gossip, but linking to gossip is probably permissible when it's about Jim Ward and the current state of play at LucasArts.

Someone claiming to have insider knowledge, possibly a LucasArts employee, has been 'telling it like it is' on the gamasutra site. Better still GameSetWatch has a good roundup of the claims.
But one thing is for sure, Jim Ward was in a no win situation from the start, trying to meet unrealistic expectations - young team and some of the worst tools in the industry to work with. He chose kick ass games over selling out early on a game that was half done. It will be too bad that he will not be with LucasArts to reap the rewards of a job well done. The Force Unleashed will be a stellar success (aka won't suck) because of Jim Ward.
Bring us those games that will KICK. OUR. ASS... LukickAss games.

Source: Game Set Watch



  • The Tingler on 07 Mar, 2008, 16:20…
    So, Jim Ward was actually the plucky little Rebel Alliance fighting the Evil Empire?

    Except that it was Ward making all these ridiculous promises, not any other members. If it was b******s, he shouldn't have said it, or apologised and made a revised release date.

    Just when I thought LucasArts was going to turn it around...
  • Kroms on 07 Mar, 2008, 16:13…
    Imagine if LucasArts actually considered Jim Ward's reign "kickass" and decided to emulate it...

    (Hahaha at Lukickass.)
  • elTee on 07 Mar, 2008, 12:51…
    I could understand Jim Ward trying to distance a new team from the old IP, if only because the people who made those games all left LucasArts a long time ago. But what I HATE is that they treat the IP with such disdain - like, "that was ages ago, it's all irrelevant and rubbish, get over it already."

    The best Star Wars game I ever played was 'Rogue Leader', made by Factor 5 and probably responsible for selling more launch-day Gamecubes than anything else. It was superb. So if other companies can make such good use of the Star Wars license, fucking let them. Then concentrate on being *original* again.
  • neon_git on 07 Mar, 2008, 09:58…
    "He chose kick ass games over selling out"

    Sorry, when exactly did he do this? That's the sort of thing I'd remember because it's so out of character, but I don't seem to recall that happening at all.
  • hierohero on 07 Mar, 2008, 08:35…
    in interviews he focused on being on time and on budget and he ultimately failed at this..simon jeffrey had the best model for lucaarts goin forward unfortunately he didn't get to see it through.. they prob will just get 3rd party developers to make games with their licenses..they've cut all there great staff
  • WorldMaker on 07 Mar, 2008, 08:06…
    Hmm... am I the only one feeling the underhanded comment/slam there? Does someone feel that Monkey Island/Sam and Max/Full Throttle/whatever don't even enter the realm of discussion for "kick ass games"?
  • jp-30 on 07 Mar, 2008, 08:10…
    Well, considering thos titles were made 10-15 years before Jim Ward took the reins...

    ...but yes, Jim did dismiss the LucasArts historical IP on at least one occasion.
  • jp-30 on 07 Mar, 2008, 07:19…
    LukickAss Games
  • Gabez on 07 Mar, 2008, 17:25…
    Hahaha! Awesome.
  • MrSneeze on 07 Mar, 2008, 14:02…
    Best logo ever made.
  • elTee on 07 Mar, 2008, 12:47…
  • The Tingler on 07 Mar, 2008, 16:17…
    That's one hairy arse!
  • Waitohooru on 10 Mar, 2008, 12:03…
    And the one on the left is pretty hairy too!